FIRST NAME (BLOCK CAPITALS): __________________________________________ SURNAME: (BLOCK CAPITALS): __________________________________________ PLOT NUMBER(S): ____________________Hurst Road / London Road ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________POST CODE: ____________ TEL: ____________________________________________ (home and/or mobile) EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________ I confirm that I wish to join TATA, for the year to October 30th, 2024, and agree to TATA holding the above details on computer / paper, and to my details being forwarded to the National Allotment Society (NSALG) as part of the affiliation process. Signed: __________________________________ Date: _______________ Please note: TATA membership fee includes free personal liability insurance, for the named (or first-named) person, provided by NSALG. ANNUAL SUBCRIPTION FEE (includes NSALG affiliation fee of £3): £ 5.50 OPTIONAL DONATION: £____ TOTAL PAYMENT: £____ Payment options: * Bank transfer to: TWYFORD ALLOTMENTS TENANTS ASSOCIATION Sort Code: 09-01-29, A/C No: 04052634. Use your surname as payment reference. * Cheque payable to: TWYFORD ALLOTMENTS TENANTS ASSOCIATION * Cash Please post or deliver cash and cheques to: David Bright, TATA Treasurer, 71 Orchard Estate, Twyford, RG10 9LB Please include this completed form OR email it to (pdf or doc/docx electronic formats accepted, signature not required on doc/docx forms).