Info for Members - 2024 update

Annual General Meeting

We'll be holding our AGM on the 22nd October at Loddon Hall. The agenda will be emailed to members in advance. Hope to see you there!

 TATA AGM 2024


Talk on "Seeds and Germination"

We're pleased to welcome Professor Richard Ellis, Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology to Loddon Hall on Thursday 31st October for a talk on "Seeds and Germination".
Doors will open at 7.30pm along with the bar. Please come armed with questions because the speaker is eager to answer them!
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to express your interest in attending. Price is £3 for TATA and TRHA members and £5 if not a member of either. There will also be a raffle, so please bring along some loose change.


Seeds and Germination Talk 3

2024 Pumpkin Sale!

We will be holding our 2024 Pumpkin Sale on Saturday 19th October from 10.00am. Like last year it will be held at Jubilee Corner in Twyford which is next to the Bulldog car dealership.

All pumpkins will have been lovingly grown by allotment holders in Twyford. Not only will there be carving type pumpkins ready in time for Halloween but there will be edible varieties great for stews and soups!

 Pumpkin Sale


TATA Barbecue on Saturday 10th August

Thank you to everyone who came to the 2024 TATA BBQ.
Also thanks for bringing some amazing salads, side dishes and cakes.
We were very lucky with the weather and with so many in attendance it was great fun.
A big thanks to Bill for bringing his BBQ and his BBQ cooking skills. It was hard, hot, smoky work to cook all that delicious food!





Twyford Village Fete

Come and meet TATA on Saturday 17th August 2024 at the Twyford Village Fete at Stanlake Meadow. The fete brings together the Twyford community, allowing residents to interact with local businesses and charities and in previous years, has helped to raise over £2,000 for local charities.

Thanks to our generous members we will be selling a great choice of fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers lovingly grown on Twyford allotments. 


Twyford Fete


2023 Pumpkin Sale

Cunningly timed for Halloween, we are holding our annual "Pumpkin Day" on Saturday October 21st.

Ie: we'll be selling pumpkins (and squashes) at Jubilee Corner, opposite Twyford Waitrose, from 10-4, Sat 21st - to raise funds for TATA, and spread pumpkin joy.

We always have a wide range of far more interesting varieties than in the shops - tastier too:

pumpkin day 2019 trimmed2

If members have any pumpkins or squashes they'd like to donate to this good cause, please leave them by the polytunnel door (up near the car park), any time in the week before - many TIA.

And do come see the stall and chat!


>>>> Ongoing things:


Polytunnel / Plot 4 at Hurst Road Allotments

The Polytunnel on Plot 4 (two plots down from the car park) is for TATA members' communal use. It's for seedlings in Spring, then over Summer for hothouse plants like tomatoes chiilies aubergines etc. By all means put some things in there if you want to -

- the front door isn't perfectly hung and opens/closes by friction at the moment, not by the wooden bar. When you open the door, connect the bungee (on the stake) to the inner handle, to stop the door blowing around in the wind
- you'll see that people tend to use trays, eg growbag-width, to keep plants/earth off the flooring (and sometimes to keep water round the plants) - if you wouldn't mind keeping to a couple of these tray-widths each please, in Spring, till each May anyway (say) while others get started too, that'd be much appreciated
- on hot days, leave the door open; but if a cool or cold night is coming, do close the door again when you leave. When it gets hot in summer we tend to leave the door open (bungeed) all day day; we're especially sure to always close it in spring/autumn if there are really cold nights due (a hint of frost would be a disaster of course)
- there's a water-butt in there (and two more outside on Plot 4) that you can use
- in winter it may be a bit boggy, or even flooded(!) due to the unfortunate "car park river" mentioned elsewhere.

But please do come and use a tray or two to help you get seeds/seedlings going, or give you hotter, blight-protected tomatoes (etc) in summer. [Or I'll happily show it to you, if you like - let me know - Nick Healey, 07775 762998]

New communal area @Plot 9A - and toilet at Hurst Road Allotments!

Wokingham Council and Twyford Parish Council have got together to help improve the Hurst Road site, partly in the shape of a new Communal area on plot 9A.

It has a composting toilet, fully working! (If they're new to you, look them up, as there's no plumbing/flushing - they're just - "different" :)


Skip, Skip, Hooray

The second and final skip hire of the year was very popular and went smoothly. Thankyou to the Parish Council for arranging and paying for it, to the TATA members who "policed" it, and the lovely allotmenters who kindly "obeyed" the list of banned items.

Back next Spring, all being well!


The "Car Park River": we have to find a solution ourselves

You may sometimes notice water in various unexpected places, flowing across the car park and in a line all the way down the railway-side plots. It can strip topsoil, and leave plots (and the polytunnel) under standing water.

The water appears under the hedge near the main road after heavy rain.

There's always been an underground watercourse down the railway edge of the allotments; plotholders often encounter it, a spade-deep or so. It seems likely the water has found a new escape course. This may be because of changes made to the banks, over time, after the car park was built.

(Water sometimes surfaces in the garden of the house across the road, too. And this corner of the road is a little hollow, as you may have noticed when heavy rain also causes a huge puddle across half the road.)

We've tried a little drainpipe in place to move the flow of water more towards the edge of the plot, to be the far side of a faint "rise" in the carpark. Our next step will have to be a few of us with spades, though, to engineer a longer draipipe-enabled gully to take the water to the edge of the plot - which might or might not "work".

PS just above where the leak happens there's a drain, always with audible rushing water, which we long suspected - but it's unlikely to be the cause as (a) it's a Foul drain, and (b) Wokingham Council and Thames Water confirmed to the Parish Council (2022 I think) that all their "stuff" in the area is intact and unblocked. (And (c), the underground stream is right there too.)

And even if it *were* possibly a problem with the drain: if you've noticed Thames Water in the news recently - no intention of fixing leaks, and £50billion in the red - you'll know we couldn't rely on them to fix things for us anyway. ~


>>>> FYI:


Every TATA member is insured for accidental damage/cost they may cause to others while allotmenting, via the National Allotment Society (NSALG) Scheme (TATA is a member of NSALG, and £3 of your membership goes to them). We're just now aligning our TATA membership renewal date with theirs (ie October) to ensure that everyone is insured for the whole year.
The insurance covers applicable cases whether they're friendly/accepted incidents, or whether (heaven forbid) things involved the courts.
The insurance applies only for the named TATA person, alas, so if you're a couple (say) who'd both like to be insured, we can arrange that for a further £3.
TATA is separately insured (eg for events it holds) with an insurance policy at Chris Knott.

The "starter plots" on the Community Plot

There are a few very small "starter plots" on Plot #4, the Community Plot (where the polytunnel is). These tiny plots are run by the Parish Council. If you know someone who's thinking about the idea of allotmenting, these are the perfect way to try it out - ask the Parish Council, if you/they are interested.


>>>> General  TATA info:

Reminder - who does what, at the allotments
- The Parish Council own and manage the sites, and manage the tenancies
- TATA try to coordinate feedback, improvements, fixes, extra fundraising, fighting off the threat of Train Station car parks, etc, for the benefit of our members, and for the allotments in general. (Plus sociable stuff.) So we're very friendly with the Parish Council (and one or two people are members of both).

Other Twyford organisations (allotmenting-related)

- Twyford & Ruscombe Horticultural Association (TRHA) is for all gardeners, and has several hundred members. They operate a great-value supplies shed, by the Surgery, on a Sunday morning in season; it's well worth being a member even just for this. Visit 
- Twyford Growers are a group encouraging wellbeing, and reducing stress and anxiety, by growing together at a Hurst Road allotment plot. Visit 

Electronic records / GDPR Statement

All our record-keeping is now on computer, and our data is stored in a GDPR-compliant way: all data is password-protected, the password shared between Chair Treasurer and Secretary, and with off-site backups kept; you can ask any of us to see the data we keep (it's just contact details) at any time, and/or to delete any/all of it. (In addition, we only keep any previous years' records for two years.)