Twyford Allotments Tenants’ Association was formed in August 2016 and is affiliated with the National Allotment Society, which supports the needs of allotment holders across the UK.
We seek to:
- Promote and raise awareness of the allotments
- Work towards ensuring these special lands are preserved for future generations
- Represent allotment holders in Twyford
- Act as a forum to bring allotment holders together
- Support allotment holders in any way necessary
- Ensure that the sites are maintained satisfactorily
You do not need to be an allotment holder to join TATA and support our cause.
To join the association, use our subscription form – print this PDF file and fill it out, or edit this TXT/DOC file – and return with your payment.
Annual membership is £6.00; payment details are on the form.
If you've any questions, please email us