
Our Polytunnel

We moved to Twyford in May 2008 from Woodley where we had lived for 33 years. We had had allotments in Woodley for 25 years and really enjoyed allotmenteering. One of the reasons for choosing our present house in Twyford was that the Hurst Road allotment site was a few minutes walk away. Unfortunately for us there was a waiting list for plots, but we put our names down within weeks of moving in.

Veg in Polytunnel

About a year later we were notified that a plot was available. It was in a rather neglected state, but undeterred we put some weed killer on the knee high grass, nettles docks etc. and waited. During that Autumn/Winter we dug and removed weed roots systematically, aiming at 1metre per day. We were given friendly advice and encouragement by our allotment neighbour Anthony S who had a beautifully cultivated plot next to us. By the following Spring we had a workable plot on which we planned raised beds, and a fruit cage.

By sheer chance on visiting the TRHA shed one Sunday we spotted a notice on their board advertising a polytunnel for £25! We rang the lady concerned and within an hour had agreed to buy it.

That polytunnel was the best gardening buy we have ever made. It was ancient, with a few bits missing, but it had its original polythene cover which was usable. We got permission from the then Parish Clerk, John March, to erect it on our new plot.

It has proved to be the most useful and productive growing space and was full of produce from the first Summer. It has survived gales, snow and all kinds of weather and apart from a new cover 2 years ago is still going strong!

Wendy and Ian S